I am a career girl, I work hard, sleep little, and stress a lot. I am also a bit of a feminist. I believe in the true power of women and our ability to be beyond what is expected of us. As women we have a natural strength, we birth children, some maintain the home and schedules of others, and some like my own mother, do it all. 
Even though we have this natural strength, we still haven't tapped into our true power. 
Men in our society have roles of power. They can be presidents, governors, senators, the head of a home, and "the bread bringer". Not to say women cannot do that but most rarely do. This is because as women we think too much. We question things and worry. Where men go for it, they have that instinct. Image if women found that same instinct, that same get up and go. 
All of this comes from my own lack of self power. As I get older I worry more and more about what the future holds me and I know that I am the one who controls my future as Oprah once said, 
"I do not know what the future holds 
but I know who holds the future." 
The Top 10 TED Talks Every Woman Should See
Despite my knowledge of that I am still hesitant when it comes to taking risks to move forward. So on this Sunday, November 30, 2014 join with me on my promise to myself that I will take more risks and find my power. The women pictured in this post have played large roles of influence in my   own life towards finding my inner power. 

This is not against men but rather to join them on a road to success 


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